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2nde 4 - Today's Test and Lesson

Here is today's test on Fairy Tales. You may click here to get to know the questions again. Today we also continued our sequence on gang culture with this webquest at the lab. WorkSheet A (The Bloods) WorkSheet B (The Crips) You found the answers in the...

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Tales ES/B - Today's Test

Tales ES/B - Today's Test

Here are the questions that you had to complete for today's test in case you've lost them and you would like to have more time to ponder on the test. Take Care and see you after the week end. Mr Hattais.

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2nde 13 - New Blogging Opportunity

Une nouvelle opportunité vous est offerte! Vous pourrez désormais publier des articles en ligne sur le site du lycée! Je vous demanderai d'ailleurs d'aller publier vos contes de fées sur ce site pour faire un concours des meilleures productions! Cliquez...

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Organisez votre Séjour aux USA

Voici deux mails reçus d'autres collègues d'anglais à qui la question à été posée. Hope it will give some of you ideas for the future! ; ) Take Care, Mr Hattais. 1er Mail : Partir au pair est une bonne solution et je recommanderais "AuPair in America"...

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2nde 13 - Today's Lesson

2nde 13 - Today's Lesson

Today, during the first part of the lesson, I let you work alone on your computers (here is the activity) ... ... while I was correcting what you had done as far as your parodies were concerned. I was disappointed to see that lots of you hadn't done anything...

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