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2nde 13 - Today's Lesson

Back to school!! Yeah! While some of you were taking the test on Ireland that they had missed before the vacation, we went with the others to the English lab and we praticed pronunciation. I hope you had fun and that those who took the test will have...

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Les Cinq Compétences en Langues

Les Cinq Compétences en Langues

A partir de l'année prochaine, vous n'êtes pas sans savoir que le Bac STG change (et peut-être cela annonce-t-il une réforme des autres bacs à venir... mais ne précipitons pas les choses...) En tous cas une donnée est sûre, c'est que la réforme de l'enseignement...

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2nde 4 - New Sequence

2nde 4 - New Sequence

Today we began our new sequence on "Fairy Tales" We defined the genre and began reading the text "The Unicorn in the Garden" from your text book p. 183. (General Comprehenion + identification of the devices commonly used in fairy tales) HW: You need to...

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TES/B - Today's Class

We continued our sequence on Money 1 - Bill Gates' Donations : First part of the Oral Comprehension Listen to the recording here Plus complete the chart if you'd like (Worsheet 1 and 2) 2- We continued studying the text "Gatsby" 3- You were given some...

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Violences Policières

Suite aux violences policières ce jour dans le blocus des élèves du Lycée Gustave Eiffel à Gagny (utilisation de gaz lacrymogène, matraquage, et arrestation), le corps des professeurs réunis en assemblée générale à 12 heures a décidé à l'unanimité des...

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2nde 13 - Only four Students

There were only four students who came to class today. So as I had forseen it, I decided to have you perform a little role play about someone whose car breaks down on the highway! Eventhough it was quite hard to organize and it was your first time for...

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Riots in France

Riots in France

Les grèves en France vues et revisitées par John Steward, LE présentateur du moment aux USA sur la chaîne Comedy Central avec son "Daily Show" qui reprend les actualités pour les parodier à son goût! Enjoy the way these burning issues are criticized!...

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