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2nde 4 - Friday, Feb. 3rd 2006

2nde 4 - Friday, Feb. 3rd 2006

Today we finished answering the questions on the text about Harry Potter and watched the corresponding scene from the movie to compare the text and the film and spot out the differences and similarities. Be prepared for your exam when you get back from...

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2nde 13 - Friday, Feb. 3rd 2006

2nde 13 - Friday, Feb. 3rd 2006

Thanks in particular to those who performed their parts today! It was great seeing you act. We'll try to do more things like that by the end of the year! I advise you to read and watch movies in their original versions during your vacation. It's not that...

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1ère STG - Good Bye My Lover

1ère STG - Good Bye My Lover

You will be able to find the video clip that we've studied in class! Click on the picture of James Blunt to watch the video Too bad for those who didn't have class because of the bac blanc...! You may also download the Student Worksheet here. See you...

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2nde - Mobile Phones

2nde - Mobile Phones

Here is a fairly good complement to the sequence on mobile phones that we have just ended. Click on the link below to be redirected to the site; click on "Mobiles " and improve your listening skills . See you Mister Hattais

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Handwriting Analysis

Handwriting Analysis

Click on the link below to be redirected to a page where you will learn the arts of graphology and will be able to analyse your handwriting... It would be a good idea for Vincent in particular... lol See you Mister Hattais

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Americans laughing at themselves

Americans laughing at themselves

Here is an extract from Saturday Night Live , a great American show which could be compared to what Les Nuls did in France (they actually adapted parts of the concept). It's just hilarious! This is a commercial (a parody of course) for Taco Town in which...

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Hoodwinked - Video Extracts

Hoodwinked - Video Extracts

If you wanna have fun with your students... try these videos! They are just awesome! I'll be posting a sequence on fairy tales and parody at the end of the school year and will probably use them. I'll keep you posted Cheers! Mister Hattais PS: To download...

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Cantine - Service Suspendu

Cantine - Service Suspendu

Suite au départ de feu qu'il y a eu aujourd'hui dans les cantines du lycée, les pompiers sont intervenus et ont sécurisé la zone déjà maîtrisée par les employés. En conséquence, le service de restauration ne pourra reprendre qu'après les vacances de Février....

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2nde13 - Feb. 1st 2006

2nde13 - Feb. 1st 2006

Hey everyone, here is today's class so that you may catch up with it because of the fire that started in the kitchen of the highschool. You will be able to watch to the extract from Harry Potter by clicking on the link below. Rehearse the scene while...

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