Americans laughing at themselves

Publié le par Mister Hattais

  Here is an extract from Saturday Night Live, a great American show which could be compared to what Les Nuls did in France (they actually adapted parts of the concept).

It's just hilarious! This is a commercial (a parody of course) for Taco Town in which fast-food restaurants (remember "Taco Bell") are obviously targeted in an ironical way.

Leave your comments on the show at the bottom of the article for the others to share your impressions; but remember to abide by the "netiquette", i.e. remain polite and don't forget to sign your messages 

See you
Mister Hattais

PS: As this is a rather heavy file, be patient and wait til it is fully downloaded to your hard drives : )

PPS: If you liked the show, you might also have a look at this extract from the same program. This one is on Bush and his policy in Iraq. Have Fun!

Publié dans Students' Corner

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