2nde13 - Feb. 1st 2006

Publié le par Mister Hattais

Hey everyone,

here is today's class so that you may catch up with it because of the fire that started in the kitchen of the highschool.

You will be able to watch to the extract from Harry Potter by clicking on the link below. Rehearse the scene while watching to it on the web.

Click right and download the file to your computers by selecting "Enregistrer la cible sous..." before being able to watch it.

And you may also download today's documents by clicking here and today's lesson by clicking here


See you friday
Till then have a good week
Mister Hattais

PS: Let me remind you of your homework

- You need to train to be able to perform in front of the class either the character of Professor Dumbledore or Professor MacGonagall...
I'm looking forward to having some fun watching the actors in 2nde 13...!

- Je ramasserai également le travail que je n'ai pu contrôler ce jour, i.e. les leaders qui devaient me rendre leur production et puis aussi les fiches de bilan de compétence. Remplissez-les donc si ce n'est pas encore fait!

Publié dans 2nde 13 (Freshmen)

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