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New Sequence Coming Up - 1ère STG

New Sequence Coming Up - 1ère STG

For the new sequence let the masked hero give you some clues about the topic... "The sequence will deal with these types of things... ... of course they won't be jumping or flying! " If you want to get familiar with some vocabulary, visit this page by...

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1ère STG - HomeWork

1ère STG - HomeWork

Je vous rappelle que vous devez me rendre votre homework sur : Are you in favour or against music downloads? Explain your opinion (200-250 words) La date limite pour cet envoi par internet est le Mercredi 25 Janvier au soir puisque je vous rendrai les...

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1ère STG - Welcome to the Internet

1ère STG - Welcome to the Internet

Hi everyone, I've designed this site specially for students so that they might be able to find the documents they need about the sequence we are studying. If you lose any documents (but that's most unlikely given that you are perfectly organised... lol),...

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Crime and Punishment

Crime and Punishment

This is the chart that we filled in class. If you lost your document. You'll find it back here. The best would be of course that you didn't lose your documents and glued them properly in your notebooks... See ya in class. Mister Hattais.

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Test Correction -Type Bac

Test Correction -Type Bac

Here is a page of link that you will need to access the documents that we've studied in class for the correction of your 3 hour test. You will find the correction for every essay subject of the paper. Le Sujet d'Argumentaion : ici Le Sujet d'invention...

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Rappel des Devoirs 2nde 4

Rappel des Devoirs 2nde 4

Hey everyone, here is the homework that you have to do for Friday 20th 2006 in case you lost your notebooks again... Si par mégarde, vous aviez égarer également votre texte... mais ça ne vous arrive jamais car vous collez toujours bien tous vos documents...

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Debate on the Death Penalty

Debate on the Death Penalty

Click on the link below to be redirected to what you have produced in class. It is rather incomplete but you did much better in class and we added some ideas in your lesson copy books. However, you can train your ability to proofread yourselves by correcting...

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MOBILE PHONES - The Documents

MOBILE PHONES - The Documents

Here is the page where you will find the links to listen to the audio documents that we studied in class and to other documents that you might find useful...Enjoy! Think Ad : the campaign. You may download the documents by clicking on the corresponding...

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