McDonald's - The Game

Publié le par Mister Hattais

Here is a quite funny game (even though it may be gruesome in some aspects...) about MacDonald's.
If you want to play and see whether you would be a good capitalist... lol... have a try with this game by clicking on the link below and then "play this game" (the link is near the cow...). Read the rules in English "coz' English rules" and try to beat your teacher (yeah... I have to admit I played... and lost in 2010... can you do better?)

Leave your comments on the game at the bottom of this page and tell us your scores.

Have Fun during the holidays,

Mister Hattais

Publié dans Students' Corner

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On pige rien a 7 merde !
Well maybe if you were more polite... or if you read the rules more carefully you would... watch your language please! <br /> Mister Hattais. <br /> PS: Further vulgarity (above all in French) on your part and you'll be censored! Watch out!