2nde 13 - Bush's Speech on the Iraq War

Publié le par Mister Hattais

Today, we finished the study of the political stands of G. W. Bush on the Iraq war after the arrest of Saddam Hussein in 2003.

The recap of what was said in class can be found by clicking the link below (you can do the exercise over again)

The correction of the exercise will be available here (but try to answer correctly first before taking the correction). Don't forget to highlight the linking words and the adverbs in your copy books.

See you on Friday for the continuation of our sequence on Ireland.

Mister Hattais

PS: On Monday, you will have an oral comprehension test on Iraq and George Bush. Be prepared.

Your test on Ireland will take place soon. Get ready to take it and begin going over your notes before it is too late.

Publié dans 2nde 13 (Freshmen)

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