2nde 13 - Today' Class

Publié le par Mister Hattais


today you had the visit of an American friend of mine who came to the class to see how English teachers work in France.

I'm really pleased with all the questions you asked her about her identity and stuff (except for some dumb questions asked by some of you who will recognize themselves... lol)

1- Study of the card set used by American troops in Iraq. cf. Vocabulary around cards = the ace of spades.

2- Study of the headlines: First exercise

3- Study of the report on Saddam Hussein's capture on Dec. 19 2003. 
   Two groups in the class : each group with a different document had to answer some questions as part of an oral comprehension.

Group 1 Activity
Group 2 Activity

4- Gathering of the information with the whole class.


I hope you liked it. Post any comment on the site for people to have your impressions about the document.

See you on Monday
Until then, have a nice week-end.

Mister Hattais.


Publié dans 2nde 13 (Freshmen)

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