TES/B - Training for the BACCALAUREAT

Publié le par Mister Hattais

Hey everyone,

if you want to give it a shot, you may try this mock exam. It is not hard at all and you should all be able to answer most of the questions easily.

Take a try!

You will find the text : here

and the Questionnaire : here

if you want, you can even do it on the internet by clicking here... the time is pretty short though. So I advise you to take the exam with the regular questionnaire first to get to know the questions and only then will you be able to try the web version. It would be a good means to correct yourselves alone.

Good night and good luck!
See you

Mister Hattais

If you need any advice, feel free to email me!

Publié dans Tales ES - B (Seniors)

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