Wed, 25th Jan 2006 - 2nde13

Publié le par Mister Hattais

  Yesterday we finished the study of our text and I prepared yourselves precisely to the questions that you will have during your test on Friday thanks to a "mini comprehension test"
  You will find the answers for the text here

  and the answers for the text on Harry Potter here


  So catch up with your delay if you weren't there yesterday so as to be at your best tomorrow for the test.

  Let me remind you that it's going to be a written comprehension exam with questions similar to those we have seen so far in class.
You are well prepared to succeed; so don't panic even if you believe the text is too long at first!

  Remember to use the techniques that we learnt in class (such as highlighting in your document the main facts "who" "where" "when"...)

  Ce n'est pas moi qui vous surveillerai ce vendredi parce que je me dois d'assister à une réunion pédagogique pour l'inspection du Lundi.

  Il se peut que je vienne simplement pour ramasser les copies. La personne qui vous surveillera aura autant de légitimité que moi à vous mettre des points en moins sur la copie en cas de bruit, bavardages ou tentative de tricherie. 

So don't even think about it!

Publié dans 2nde 13 (Freshmen)

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