MOBILE PHONES - The Documents

Publié le par Mister Hattais

Here is the page where you will find the links to listen to the audio documents that we studied in class and to other documents that you might find useful...

Think Ad : the campaign. You may download the documents by clicking on the corresponding link.

Commercial on TV (wait for the download! Be patient! it might take long depending on your internet speed) 


The radio ads (Click on the microphone to listen to the corresponding ad)



First Radio Ad



Second Radio Ad 


Third Radio Ad (Oral Comprehension Test)


The Texts for how to study and make adverts :
Adverts, Adverts, Everywhere! 

How to analyse an ad:   The six elements of an ad

The Text that we currently studying :
"The Mobile Phones: for convenience or to show off?"

The exercice sheet on this text :
Click here to download the document

An additional document : an ad for Air France in English
                                      an ad for Toyota

An advertisement that I found interesting

Publié dans 2nde 4 (Freshmen)

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