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Road Safety - Info and Ads

Road Safety - Info and Ads

Here are two articles from http://www.larsoa.org.uk/ You might find them interesting and you'll probably want to visit the site. Encouraging results for drug-driving campaign Brighton & Hove's first anti drug-driving campaign is being hailed a success....

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Jan., Friday 20th 2006 - 2nde13

Jan., Friday 20th 2006 - 2nde13

Hey everyone! thanks to those who could make it this morning even if you were given the info with such short notice. Rappel des Devoirs : Monday, Jan. 23rd You have to finish what we began in class, i.e. # 8 of your worksheet on the text + Ex. # 6 and...

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Ads Ads Ads...

Ads Ads Ads...

Here is a link to cool advertising stuff. Have a tour on the web and improve your reading and listening skills. You may also want to visit this site where you will find important vocabulary words on telephone This list might be of some use to you too....

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Music Downloads - For or Against?

Music Downloads - For or Against?

Thanks to Françoise Varillon who gave me the idea, I decided to have my first "regulated copies" from some students in 1ère STG on the subject "Are you for or against music downloads? Explain your opinion (200-250 words)". The students can send me their...

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Ellis Island - Audio Documents

Ellis Island - Audio Documents

From this section, you'll be able to download these audio documents: New York's Population Ellis Island Video Don't Send Me Back If you use them in class, please send me a note on what the students will have achieved. Thanks in advance.

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Maintien des Cours ce Vendredi

Maintien des Cours ce Vendredi

Hey Everyone , malgré le feu qui s'est emparé d'une partie du bâtiment du bas, je ferai quand même cours aux 2nde 13 le matin de 10h20 à 11h20 en salle 406 , notez bien le changement . Et oui... étant donné que votre devoir arrive à grands pas et ne peut...

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Rappel des Echéances - 2nde 13

Rappel des Echéances - 2nde 13

Don't forget your homework! Here are some assignments due on the following dates: Wed., Jan 18 : Apporter les 6 éléments constitutifs de la pub Fri., Jan 20 : Faire le 2 et le 3 de la fiche de TP sur le texte "The Mobile Phones..." Mon., Jan 23 : Faire...

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