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  • 2nde 4 & 13 - Absence

    17 mars 2006 ( #General Information )

    Mercredi 29 Mars 2006 , je ne serai pas en mesure d'assurer mes cours car j'accompagne une classe en sortie scolaire toute la journée. Veuillez excuser mon absence que je tenterai de rattraper du mieux possible (ex. : devoir de deux heures à organiser...

  • 2nde 4 - Today's Creative Writing Lesson

    10 mai 2006 ( #2nde 4 (Freshmen) )

    You were supposed to bring your homework correctly done for today so that we could work properly in class but most of you haven't had the intelligence to do it. That's why you now have lots of homework to complete for Friday: 1- Finish the parody of your...

  • 2nde 13 - Le débat

    13 mars 2006 ( #2nde 13 (Freshmen) )

    Comme prévu par le lycée, vous avez pu débattre pour élire vos représentants qui allaient assister à l'A(ssemblée) G(énérale) des élèves l'heure suivante. Si vous voulez laisser vos impressions sur le mouvement et ce qui s'est décidé, n'hésitez pas à...

  • Tales ES/B - Today's Lesson

    05 mai 2006 ( #Tales ES - B (Seniors) )

    Today's class was dedicated to : 1 - Working on the title of the text. 2 - Clarifying the characters and their relationship... who is John...? lol 3 - Correcting the exercises you had to do for today, i. e. concentrating on Tenjy and Tenjy's Uncle personalities....

  • 2nde 4 - Today's Class

    31 mai 2006 ( #2nde 4 (Freshmen) )

    Desperate Housewives - The Blockbuster Series You may complete the following activities about the credits from "Desperate Housewives" 1- Download the worksheet here . 2- Watch the video here . 3- Complete the assignement "Desperate Housewives: The opening...

  • 2nde 13 - Last Lesson Before your Test

    27 mars 2006 ( #2nde 13 (Freshmen) )

    Hi everyone, Today was the last lesson before your test on our sequence dealing with Ireland. 1- We finished going over the set of exercises about the use of articles. 2- We summarized the objectives for the sequence in terms of production and cultural,...

  • 1ère STG - Today's Class

    13 mars 2006 ( #1ère STG (Juniors) )

    Plusieurs élèves se sont fait exclure pour le motif suivant : - Oubli du matériel nécessaire pour travailler et par la même occasion : travail à rendre (déjà pour Vendredi dernier) non réalisé. Avec les autres, nous avons pu faire un travail d'auto-correction...

  • Organisez votre Séjour aux USA

    18 mai 2006 ( #Students' Corner )

    Voici deux mails reçus d'autres collègues d'anglais à qui la question à été posée. Hope it will give some of you ideas for the future! ; ) Take Care, Mr Hattais. 1er Mail : Partir au pair est une bonne solution et je recommanderais "AuPair in America"...

  • Des Problèmes pour l'Affichage des Images?

    11 mai 2006 ( #General Information )

    Si vous ne visualisez plus les images du blog... il faut faire la manip suivante (en raison d'un remaniement interne à Over-Blog) : Supprimer les Fichiers en Cache de votre PC Outils / Options Internet / Supprimer les Fichiers / Supprimer tout le contenu...

  • 2nde 4 - Today's Class

    17 mars 2006 ( #2nde 4 (Freshmen) )

    Because of the troubles, there weren't a lot of pupils attending the class today; so we decided to go over your notes again to make sure you understood everything properly before your test which willl take place this Friday (03/24/2006) See you on Tuesday...

  • 2nde 13 - Today's Class

    20 février 2006 ( #2nde 13 (Freshmen) )

    Hey everyone, back to school again! Yeah! Well I guess not all of you are happy but life is life... and life is hard sometimes... lol Here is a quick reminder of what we did today: 1- Correction of the Oral Comprehension Test on Mobile Phones. 2- Speaking...

  • 2nde 4 - Today's Test and Lesson

    19 mai 2006 ( #2nde 4 (Freshmen) )

    Here is today's test on Fairy Tales. You may click here to get to know the questions again. Today we also continued our sequence on gang culture with this webquest at the lab. WorkSheet A (The Bloods) WorkSheet B (The Crips) You found the answers in the...

  • 2nde 13 - Today's Class

    22 mars 2006 ( #2nde 13 (Freshmen) )

    Today, you were given your Oral Comprehension Tests back and we also corrected them. Then we analysed how the use of articles work in the Enlgish language with the notion of "Classes d'Objet". We'll continue analysing this grammar point next time. And...

  • TES/B - Today's Lesson

    27 mars 2006 ( #Tales ES - B (Seniors) )

    We went to the lab today so that you could record yourselves on the computers. You had to make an oral commentary for one of the pictures that we studied about powerful magnates and self-made men in America and more precisely wealthy people from the beginning...

  • 1ère STG - Today's Lesson

    27 février 2006 ( #1ère STG (Juniors) )

    Here are all the documents that we studied in class: 1- Recap on how to express advice 2- What about Homer Simpson's diet? What advice could you give him? 3- From the reading of your extract from the encyclopedia , take out all the words related to food...

  • 1ère STG - Today's Lesson

    07 mars 2006 ( #1ère STG (Juniors) )

    1- Correction of the worksheet : "Remember!" 2- Révision de l'emploi des articles avec exercices d'application. 3- Analyse et rappel des éléments constitutifs d'un article de presse avec document support : Article from the New York Times dating back from...

  • 2nde 13 - No Students

    03 avril 2006 ( #2nde 13 (Freshmen) )

    No students in class today because of the barricades that were put up for students not to enter the highschool (do you believe you are in Northern Ireland???? lol) I'll see you probably on Wednesday (at least half of the class) and on Friday for your...

  • 1ère STG - Prise de Parole en Continue

    01 avril 2006 ( #1ère STG (Juniors) )

    Today, you finished training and recording yourselves on the computers. You had to complete an oral exercise about a speech made by G. W. Bush. Some of you have done a great job! and have improved their pronunciation a lot! That's great! Hopefully you...

  • 2nde 13 - Today's Lesson

    24 avril 2006 ( #2nde 13 (Freshmen) )

    Back to school!! Yeah! While some of you were taking the test on Ireland that they had missed before the vacation, we went with the others to the English lab and we praticed pronunciation. I hope you had fun and that those who took the test will have...

  • 2nde 4 - Today's Class

    28 avril 2006 ( #2nde 4 (Freshmen) )

    Today's Class was dedicated to : a- the end of our study on the text "The Unicorn in the Garden" b- The focus on our new grammar point : Direct and Indirect Speech. c- The beginning of a new text "The Pangs of Love" (p. 179), a parody of the Little Mermaid,...

  • 2nde 13 - Today's Lesson

    05 mai 2006 ( #2nde 13 (Freshmen) )

    Today's class was dedicated to : 1 - Expressing your opinion about the video clip by Pink "Stupid Girls" 2 - Answering the question : "Why is the text funny?" 3 - Making hypotheses on the intentions of the characters (may + have + p. passé) 4 - Concentrating...

  • 1ère STG - Today's Class

    20 mars 2006 ( #1ère STG (Juniors) )

    Only half the class was present today in class and therefore we had the means to continue our sequence on WAR. 1- We reminded the class of the vocabulary and the event that took place in 2003 and that we had studied the week before. 2- We answered the...

  • 1ère STG - New Sequence

    23 mai 2006 ( #1ère STG (Juniors) )

    Gun Culture has always been a part of the American life style... but why is that? this is the question that we are going to try and answer at the end of the lesson. We started the class with an analysis of the main events representing independence for...

  • 2nde 4 - Desperate Housewives

    06 juin 2006 ( #2nde 4 (Freshmen) )

    Today, We watched the first episode of the series Desperate Housewives (only with the second group). Please... if tomorrow you are so few... come at the same time so that you finish earlier and you spare the time of your teachers! See you tomorrow for...

  • Tales ES-B Oral de Rattrapage...

    06 juin 2006 ( #Tales ES - B (Seniors) )

    J'espère pour vous que vous n'irez pas à l'oral de rattrapage et que vous n'aurez pas à choisir l'anglais... si toutefois tel était le cas... vous savez comment me joindre (email) pour que je vous passe la liste des textes pour l'oral... comme vous n'êtes...

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