2nde 13 - Today's Class

Publié le par Mr Hattais

Today, you took your test on Direct and Indirect Speech... hope it was ok... I'll be giving you the results next week.

Then we organized the following lessons by dividing the class into groups in order to create a parody of a fairy. This assignement will have to be completed by the end of next week. So you need to be fast and well-organized if you want to produce something correct.

As I've advised you to do, you should clearly identify who does what so that it won't be a mess, you will be able to work separately at home and therefore work faster.

HW: For monday, you need to come to class with everything prepared for us to be able to move on and start improving your stories.

Take Care,
Mr Hattais.

Publié dans 2nde 13 (Freshmen)

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